We are your partners in creating package functionality, product presentation and protection to build brand recognition, enhance value and create a positive customer experience.”
Creating the right packaging design starts with us listening to you, learning what your requirements are, what’s critical, how you want your customers to respond to your packaging. Packaging has multiple roles. It can serve to influence the consumer to buy. It can function solely to enclose products for shipping. Or it can jealously protect its contents. Or all of the above.
PKG Packaging works with you to nail down all the details surrounding the purpose of your packaging. Together, we consider the materials, the graphics, the look and feel of the enclosure, and the package’s impact on the planet. Then we quickly create a prototype design for your review and evaluation.
Packaging has been associated with utility, as form, fit and function as well as with lower costs. Conversely, it has also been used as the “silent salesman,” the marketing tool appealing to the consumer’s emotions with high-end materials, construction techniques and printing.
Structural and packaging considerations
Package functionality
Protective characteristics
Choice and use of materials
Presentation and display qualities
Ease of opening, closing
Does the packaging align with your business goals?
Will the package enhance brand recognition?
Does the packaging create a positive experience for the user?